Reality and youwon

So, what do you want now?

  • If you ring the bell on the door answer when ppl ask you who this is.
  • If you sit in a bar, publicly, you listen to other ppl’s conversation, too?
  • Britain might leave by beginning of next year, which essentially means they might become a security threat for outside anyone, neither they are not protected nor the rest of them.

You don’t need to believe me, I’m not asking for anything, but, you’re making a mistake. Also. AND NO, it is not a “so what, let them do a mistake”- situation, instead you’re making it bad for e’one.

Scared. Just scared.

And, don’t you try and come running back OR CRY SAYING “ENOUGHISENOUGH”, this, you stupid liar, is all on you, and no one else but you.



Literally. When it was considered “empty”, before it’d be “lost”, after.

Living off memories, essentials (which is good) and fear, fear of a lot, fear of almost anything, would say e’thing but that’s a lot, as in fear of spiders? Not so much, although, might be an option, so, uhm WHAT HAVE THEY DONE NOT EVEN TAKING FULLEST RESPONSIBILITY, #FASCISTIGNORANTBL%@DYPPL AND BY THE WAY YOU ARE SO ROTTEN YOU DON’T EVEN DESERVE THE FANCY WORDS, THE PRECIOUS ONES, SO ALL YOU GET IS THE EASY ONES. So, who’d have guessed that, it takes more time to get those but the letters-written-in-bold-above certainly match your easy and stupid mindset and the way HOW YOU EASY YOU ARE for real.


That’s an order, not a request nor a  “wish”. Now/because, IT IS NOT YOU, HAD NEVER BEEN, NOR WILL IT EVER BE YOU MAKING PPL DO ANYTHING. You’re just rotten piece of garb%@e. #getlost #giveeverythingbackyoutook #youloser #youlosers


I let it, things go so many times, let grass grow over it, need to lawn mole, again, as they say. Anxiety rate up. Feel of restlessness or fear.

When closing eyes

No one will see me. If I only look away from their eye-sight they won’t see me.

They have their culture, so do I, then. It’s just that they don’t know much about anything else, or, anyone else.

PS People can see behind the crap you say and do and are, incl me. Not sure about others (as the one menioned in “they” in last sentence, but).


Never a good time

But, it should be ok, shouldn’t it? No day off since – as in a series of a few days – beginning of year.

But, I’m scared to ask.

But, it’s just a day.

Heart breaks slowly, in need to feel  save and warm and comfortable and close to someone I love. Like a hug. #needahug Yes, a hug will be good.

Cultural thing

So, they said it’s “cultural”.

However, it is very much so cultural and part of my upbringing, some people absolutely are strong in the inside as well as on the inside with a soft spot inbetween, as a layer. Culture, too.